19-21 Work Plan
Each biennium, the Center develops a work plan which sets forth its intended programmatically based work. The goal of this work plan is to develop a set of strategic elements for each program within the Center to guide our projects. Some of these projects were previously identified in external funding agreements, and other projects will be chosen with input from, and in collaboration with, a reconvened Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG). This group includes representatives from state agencies, local government, the business community, environmental community, and tribes.
The work plan will undergo further revision based on the Advisory Group’s input, the impact of COVID 19, and our desire to address climate change, environmental justice, and community engagement.
This work plan describes the Center’s overall goals, funding, capacity, and planned projects. Some of the work plan elements are currently funded from July 2019 through 2021. This includes some work that has already been completed. Additional plan elements are aspirational goals that will be funded as WSC receives unrestricted operating capital which enables program expansion.
The WSC Work Plan Elements include:
I. Center management including operations, communication, and planning
II. Permit assistance for municipal, construction, and industrial stormwater
III. Low Impact Development (LID) Certificate Program
IV. Emerging technology testing (TAPE)
V. Research, and
VI. Puget Sound Recovery Program Support