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Permit Requirements, BMP, Source Control Guidance Manual Overviews

Presenters – Rebecca Dugopolski & Mindy Fohn, Herrera

Permit Requirements, BMP, SC Guidance Manual Overviews

This session covers the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit requirements for source control, provides an overview of operational and structural source control best management practices (BMPs), and provides an overview of the content included in the Source Control (Business/Site) Inspection Program Guidance Manual.

Learning objectives for this session include:

– Discuss key topics included in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit (S5.C.8.b.v)

– Provide an overview of the Source Control (Business/Site) Inspection Program Guidance Manual

Pre-inspection / Post-Inspection

Presenters – Rebecca Dugopolski & Mindy Fohn, Herrera

Pre-inspection Activities and Business site inspection and Documents & Post-inspection enforcement

This session covers key items related to developing a business/site inspection program, conducting business/site inspections, and follow-up after a business/site inspection has been conducted.

Learning objectives for this session include:

– Highlight key items related to developing a business/site inspection program

– Highlight key items related to conducting business/site inspections

– Highlight key items for post-inspection follow-up and enforcement

E&O Materials

Presenters – Rebecca Dugopolski & Mindy Fohn, Herrera

Education & Outreach Materials

This session provides an overview of the education and outreach materials gathered for this project and developed as part of the project.

Learning objectives for this session include:

– Highlight key education and outreach resources

– Demonstrate how to search for and locate education and outreach resources on specific topics