Spill Response Training for Field Staff
Ryean-Marie Tuomisto, City of Kirkland; Tanya MacFarlane, City of Bellevue; Scott McQuary, City of Redmond; Andy Quast, Department of Ecology
In 2022, three adjacent Puget Sound cities held their first joint training for municipal field staff who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, routinely encounter spills or illicit discharges, and assist in response or cleanup actions. The training was focused on safety awareness, the importance of immediate reporting and response to prevent downstream impacts, jurisdictional and inter-jurisdiction team coordination, and fieldwork, and demonstrated a variety of spill response materials and equipment on hard and soft surfaces. This workshop may help program managers create a training program for field staff, help field staff learn practical field response steps, and promote the benefits of inter-departmental and inter-jurisdictional communication and cooperation.
Get an overview of how three cities cooperatively developed and delivered training on spill response for field staff, including:
• Safety
• Reporting & Response
• Multi-Departmental/Jurisdictional Cooperation & Communication
• Response Roles