Managing Stormwater with Drones
Presenters – Zach Holt and Darren Podraza, City of Port Orchard
Tired of walking large developments over and over again for inspections? Want to streamline your inspection processes? Perhaps creating a drone, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) program could help. Zack Holt and Darren Podraza present a talk on how the City of Port Orchard Public Works is utilizing UAVs to integrate inspection and permit compliance into their stormwater management program. Darren and Zack describe the process of setting up a program, procuring the equipment needed, and certification for operating UAVs.
Upon completion of the session attendees will better understand:
• FAA licensing requirements to operate UAVs
• Tips on how to develop a municipal UAV policy
• How to check airspace requirements, file a flight plan, and get clearance to fly
• Basics of flight and operation of a UAV