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2024 Western Washington Ad Hoc Process

This web page serves as a resource page for participants in the 2024 Western Washington Ad Hoc Process. Moving forward, western Washington permittees and stakeholders can visit this site to learn about this effort, track dates and times, and get updates – including from the various Topic Group’s efforts. Participation is open to anyone.  This effort aims to produce a series of white papers on key permit-related topics of interest to inform Ecology’s permit reissuance development process.


In 2018, Western Washington Phase I and II permittees reached out to the Department of Ecology (Ecology), along with other interested groups, seeking to provide early input on the upcoming 2019 municipal stormwater permits. Permittees, environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) representatives, and other interested parties worked together to inform and influence Ecology as they updated the permits for reissuance. Ecology left the work to the so-called “Ad Hoc Process” and did not enter the process until the end. In May 2021, Ecology staff reached out to see if there is interest in replicating the ad hoc process for the 2024 permit reissuances.  Since affirming interest, this effort is now underway.

The second plenary meeting to review and discuss Topic Group white papers was held on Thursday, Jan. 27, 2022. View the meeting presentation.

Early Input Deadline February 25, 2022Submit Early Input in Public Comment Form

White Paper Resources

Ecology offered the following ‘tips’ for preparing ad hoc process white papers:

  • Provide suggestions on permit changes that will:
    • Improve understanding/clarity of the requirement.
    • Improve implementation.
    • Lead to better water quality results.
  • Provide rationale or justification for any proposed changes or suggestions. Provide relevant data sources or literature if this supports proposals for revisions.
  • Provide input about existing permit language that you view as an impediment to implementation.
  • Exact permit language/edits are not necessary but are welcome.

To help serve as a resource in terms of developing the Topic Group white papers, the following are copies of the white papers produced by Topic Groups during the previous Ad Hoc Process for the 2019 permits.

WW Ad Hoc Topics/Co-leads/White Papers

NOTE to Ad Hoc Participants: Please contact the Topic Co-leads directly to comment on or ask questions about the white paper.

Stormwater Management Action Planning (SMAP) –  Bill Leif and Janet Geer

Shared Planning Priorities Incentives – John Brosnan and Todd Hunsdorfer 

Proportionality/Scaling/Tiering and Permit Obligations – Diane Hennebert and Melissa Ivancevich

Structural Stormwater Controls (SSC) – Angela Gallardo and Blair Scott

Annual Reporting – Mindi Kellar and Marilyn Guthrie

Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM) – Dana DeLeon  and Maureen Meehan

6-PPD/Pre-Spawn Mortality – Melissa Ivancevich and Doug Navetski 

Operations & Maintenance – Merita Trohimovich, Don McQuilliams, and Royce Young

Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington – Mieke Hoppin and Deanna Seaman

Education & Outreach – Katherine Straus and Susan McCleary 

Equity/Environmental Justice – Bill Leif and Mary Rabourn

S4F Adaptive Management – Doug Navetski and Melissa Ivancevich

Outfall Reporting Standards (mapping requirement) Angela Gallardo and Maureen Meehan 

Source Control & IDDE – Mark Joyner and Rod Swanson  

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) – Dana Zlateff and Larry Schaffner

Overlapping Regulatory Requirements – Lori Blair and Dana Zlateff 

WW Ad Hoc Plenary Meeting

October 12, 2021

 Meeting Focus: To develop a shared understanding of the Ad Hoc process, schedule, and guideposts. Identify Permit reissuance discussion topics and Topic Group Co-leads. 

To be added to the Western Washington Ad Hoc Process mailing list, please contact Laurie Larson-Pugh

Ad Hoc Organizing Committee

Please reach out to any of the following individuals for further information about the Ad Hoc Process, including if you are interested in joining the Ad Hoc Organizing Committee:

Anne Dettelbach, City of Redmond

Laurie Larson-Pugh, Washington Stormwater Center

Doug Navetski, King County

Jason Quigley, Skagit County

Larry Schaffner, Thurston County