Stormwater Coordinator Groups
Noteworthy News
Recent Updates
The MS4 permit holders in Washington have formed regional alliances to share permit compliance resources and information. These regional permit coordination groups are a place to help each other with stormwater management requirements and allow mentoring and sharing of information and materials among jurisdictions. This collaborative approach saves valuable time and resources and provides for a greater positive impact on Washington’s waters. If you are a part of a stormwater coordinator group not listed below or have information you’d like to share with other stormwater professionals, please contact Laurie Larson-Pugh.
- (Statewide) APWA
- (WWA) BIG (Business Inspection Group)
- (WWA) Central NPDES Coordinators Forum
- (EWA) Eastern Washington E&O Stormwater Work Group
- (EWA) Phase II Eastern Washington Stormwater Group
- (WWA) Interagency Team
- (WWA) North Sound Coordinators Forum
- (Statewide) ROAD MAP
- (WWA) South Sound Phase II Coordinators Group
- (WWA) Southwest Washington Coordinators Forum
- (Statewide) STORM (Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities)
- (WWA) Stormwater Partners
- (EWA) Wenatchee Valley Stormwater Technical Advisory Committee
- (WWA) West Sound Stormwater Manager’s Coordination Group