Business Source Control & Inspection Program
Project Purpose
Develop a source control program guidance manual and trainings to assist Western Washington Phase II permittees to implement new business inspection source control programs that comply with 2019-2024 NPDES Municipal Stormwater Permit requirements (S5.C.8). Materials and training information will be based on best management practices (BMPs) and lessons learned from existing Phase I and Phase II jurisdictions’ business inspection programs.
Funding provided by municipal stormwater permittees via the Stormwater Action Monitoring Program
Source Control Guidance Manual
The Source Control (Business/Site) Inspection Program Guidance Manual provides resources, templates, and strategies developed based on research, input, and experiences of jurisdictions that have developed similar programs.
Explore the Manual
SAM Mobile Business Study
Some mobile businesses have unique challenges related to pollution prevention due to their mobile nature and working at dispersed sites in multiple jurisdictions. A SAM Mobile Business Stormwater Source Control and Coordination Study focused on creating and advancing resources for municipal stormwater permittees to address stormwater source control activities related to mobile businesses.
Source Control Resources
An information search was conducted to determine resources and tools available through existing source control programs and organizations addressing pollution prevention such as local health or hazardous waste departments.
Business inspection training
The curriculum was developed for new municipal stormwater inspectors and as a staff refresher training using experienced municipal inspection program managers so that the material provides a peer-to-peer experience.