Education & Outreach
This page is designed to give municipal stormwater permittees access to educational and outreach materials available for use across the state. Multiple categories of educational and outreach materials will be hosted and highlighted to facilitate the state’s municipal stormwater jurisdiction permittees in fulfilling their educational outreach requirements.
For assistance or more information about the Education & Outreach Program please contact:
Anne Melrose
Education & Outreach Coordinator
Explore Education & Outreach…

STORM is a coalition of 81 Western Washington jurisdictions that work together to create effective, regionally consistent, and cost-efficient education and outreach programs and messaging. STORM services help jurisdictions meet their Municipal Stormwater Permit requirements and provide professional development opportunities to staff.

Eastern Washington E&O Stormwater Work Group
Education & Outreach focused information sharing and networking for Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permittees jurisdictions in Eastern Washington.

Stormwater Partners
Stormwater Partners of Southwest Washington is an independent coalition of jurisdictions, agencies, and non-profit organizations working together to protect water quality and watersheds in SW Washington. Efforts focus on collaborative education and outreach strategies to address permit needs.
Designing and Evaluating Effective Behavior-Change Programs for Stormwater Programs
In this SAM Effectiveness Study, WSU and Evergreen StormH20 used surveys and literature to evaluate which types of stormwater problems are amenable to and best addressed by behavior-change efforts. This page includes helpful decision-support tools, templates, and guidance documents developed during the study.
EWA Construction Documents
We would like to introduce three new E&O documents created to address construction site issues. Eastern WA permittees working as part of the EWA Stormwater Education & Outreach Working Group identified a need for documents with information on construction BMPs for developers, engineers, planners, review staff, contractors, and construction crews.
EWA Effectiveness Studies
The purpose of the Monitoring and Assessment permit requirement in the Eastern WA Permit is to conduct studies to determine the effectiveness of the Stormwater Management Program and communicate the findings to the region. The effectiveness studies focus on Best Management Practices (BMPs) used by Permittees and include studies focused on operational, or structural BMPS, or education and outreach practices.
The Source Control (Business/Site) Inspection Program Guidance Manual provides resources, templates, and strategies developed based on research, input, and experiences of jurisdictions that have developed similar programs.
Chapter 7 of the Guidance Manual provides numerous resources that can be utilized in programs across jurisdictions!
Explore the Resources
Questions? Contact Laurie Larson-Pugh
Eyes on the Watershed
Explore interactive maps for local watersheds that tell their story. This can include its history, areas impacted by pollutants, how it is influenced by development, and much more.
E&O Video Content