Implementation of Clean Water Act programs to assess waters for impairment and develop cleanup plans (TMDLs) pose substantial administrative, technical, financial, and legal challenges for federal, state, and local agencies as well as stakeholders. Recognizing these challenges, an Interagency Team, comprised of stormwater professionals from local municipalities and WSDOT, formed in 2012 to discuss approaches and recommend improvements to Water Quality Assessment (WQA) and TMDL programs in Washington State.
Steve Britsch, Snohomish County
[email protected]
Elsa Pond, WSDOT
[email protected]
Water Quality Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load Programs.
Beginning in 2013, the Team compared the WQA and TMDL programs in Washington State to five other states in order to identify potential improvements. The objectives of the project were to:
- Learn alternative approaches for CWA programs from other states,
- Utilize the research to develop recommendations for improving Washington State’s WQA, listing/de-listing, and TMDL procedures, and
- Work with EPA and Ecology to refine and implement recommended improvements.
A report, titled Recommendations for Improving Water Quality Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load Programs in Washington State, was finalized in July 2014. It summarizes methods used to “compare and contrast” Washington’s WQA and TMDL programs with five other states and highlights key findings and recommendations.
The report has served as a starting point for discussions with Ecology and EPA regarding improvements in the state’s WQA and TMDL programs. The Team plans to continue discussions and effort toward program improvement.
- 5 Year Inter-Agency Team (IAT) Accomplishments and Opportunities, Presented by Doug Naviskit, King County and Tim Hagan, Pierce County at the APWA meeting Sept. 17, 2021
- Team Comment to Ecology on 2018 Water Quality Assessment (June 2021)
- Recommendations for Improving Water Quality Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load Programs in Washington State (2014)
- Status Report on Recommendations for Improving Water Quality Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load Programs in Washington State (2014-2020)
- Team Comment to Ecology on Updates to Water Quality Policy 1-11 for Recreational Contact and Shellfish Harvest. (April 2020)
- Team Bioassessment Letter to EPA (July 2015)
- Team TMDL Memorandum of Agreement Letter to EPA and Ecology (March 2016)
- Team Scoping Feedback on Ecology’s Water Quality Policy 1-11 (March 2016)
- Team Letter to EPA/USGS on Hydrologic Alteration Report (June 2016)
- Team Proposal to Ecology on WQP 1-11 Related to Credible Data (December 2016)
- Team Letter to Ecology on Nonpoint Guidance Process Design (February 2017)
- Team Comment to Ecology on Bioassessment Alternatives (March 2017)
- Team Comment to Ecology on 2018 Public Review Draft of Water Quality Policy 1-11 Chapter 1 (March 2018)