Municipal Environmental Justice
Municipal Environmental Justice (EJ) Workgroups
The 2019-2024 Phase I and Phase II permits includes the term “overburdened communities.” In 2019 the Phase I group held a meeting with the Department of Ecology to discuss the connection between Environmental Justice (EJ) and stormwater management. The idea to develop an EJ workgroup came out of a regional coordinator meeting last November. In response to both the broader issues of EJ and more specific permit topics of overburdened communities, the Municipal EJ Workgroup and Washington Stormwater Center EJ Salon were organized. With the intent to begin a dialogue on EJ and its intersection with the permit and stormwater management. We welcome anyone interested in engaging in these conversations. These groups will be coordinated by Laurie Larson. Please contact Laurie Larson to get involved.
Washington Stormwater Center EJ Salon
The Washington Stormwater Center wants to partner with its colleagues and friends to host informal discussions about stormwater’s connection with environmental justice. This group will work on issues beyond the permit obligations. Co-coordinated with Maddie Burke from City of Vancouver.
Municipal Environmental Justice (EJ) Workgroup and the Permit
This workgroup is comprised of municipal stormwater staff to discuss issues, resources, and tools specific to permit obligations for overburdened communities.
Integrating Environmental Justice Into Your Programs
What is environmental justice? This presentation by Maddie Burke, city of Vancouver and WSC EJ Salon Co-coordinator, will cover the basics and give you tools to apply an environmental justice lens to your City programs! You will learn about how Washington programs play a role in this field. This presentation will cover strategies for reaching low-income and minority communities. Become informed about environmental justice and inspired to improve your City/County program!
Identifying & Supporting Overburdened Communities: A Regional Approach to Service Equity
Presented by Susan McCleary, Senior Program Specialist, Environmental Services, City of Olympia. Presented at the April 23, 2024 EJ Salon Group meeting.
Lessons Learned Working with Disinvested Communities
Presenter David Jackson, NPDES Coordinator, provides his insights on lessons learned working with Disinvested and Overburdened Communities. He focuses on “Issues, Resources, Tools, and Obligations” as well as lessons learned from mistakes.
Environmental Justice Resources
- Municon 2021 – Environmental Justice Track
- ECY EPA EJ screening webpage and WDOH Disparities Map
- EPA EJ Screening website
- EJScreen Step by Step Guide to Finding Demographic Information
- EPA Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
- Washington Environmental Health disparities Map
- City of Seattle Racial Equity Toolkit
- City of Seattle Shape Our Water Plan
- City of Tacoma Equity Map
- Source Control Inspection Program: Field Translation Case Study
Social Equity Language Maps
Additional Resources From Other Organizations
- Synopsis of Environmental Justice & Stormwater
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed Stormwater and Environmental Justice Flier (PDF)
- Chesapeake Bay Watershed Stormwater and Environmental Justice – Presented in Baltimore, MD (PDF)
- Sin Tiempo Que Perder (No Time to Lose)
- Cambiando las Líneas de Nieve y las Líneas de Costa (Changing the Snow Lines and Coastlines)
- UC Berkley – Targeted Universalism
- Targeted Universalism – King County Case Study
EPA is using a variety of methods to support community use of EJSCREEN. Funding has been made available to support states who have questions about using EJSCREEN data or are interested in building out a localized version of the EJSCREEN tool.