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The April 5-7 Presentation Tracks featured presentations and panel discussions on 60 topics in 9 Topic Tracks by Municipal Permittees and SW Professionals across Washington State.
Three workshops focusing on IDDE/IC-ID Field Screening and Source Tracing Guidance were scheduled for April 8th.
For more information and resources please visit our IDDE/IC-ID page.
Municon 2021
MuniCon 2021 was held on a virtual platform featuring 9 tracks with 60 live or recorded presentations including research, case studies, environmental justice, operations, and maintenance from stormwater managers across Washington. There were 3 Workshops focusing on IDDE, Stormwater Monitoring Action Planning (SMAP), and Education & Outreach.
Municon Advisory Group
In an effort to ensure Washington stormwater issues of interest are represented statewide, we are asking for Washington municipal stormwater staff to participate in this state-wide advisory group to develop the topics and trainings for MuniCon 2023.
If you are interested in participating, please contact
Laurie Larson, Washington Stormwater Center, 253-445-4593.