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The April 5-7 Presentation Tracks featured presentations and panel discussions on 60 topics in 9 Topic Tracks by Municipal Permittees and SW Professionals across Washington State.
Three workshops focusing on IDDE/IC-ID Field Screening and Source Tracing Guidance were scheduled for April 8th.
For more information and resources please visit our IDDE/IC-ID page.


Municon 2021

MuniCon 2021 was held on a virtual platform featuring 9 tracks with 60 live or recorded presentations including research, case studies, environmental justice, operations, and maintenance from stormwater managers across Washington. There were 3 Workshops focusing on IDDE, Stormwater Monitoring Action Planning (SMAP), and Education & Outreach.

Municon Advisory Group

In an effort to ensure Washington stormwater issues of interest are represented statewide, we are asking for Washington municipal stormwater staff to participate in this state-wide advisory group to develop the topics and trainings for MuniCon 2023. 

If you are interested in participating, please contact

Laurie Larson, Washington Stormwater Center, 253-445-4593.

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Municon is funded in part by the generosity of our sponsors. While this conference is a wrap, we’re already looking towards the future and Municon 2023. If you are interested in partnering with us to bring this great conference to life contact Laurie Larson about sponsorship opportunities, which will become available this Fall.