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ROAD MAP (Regional Operations and Maintenance Program)
To address requirements in the permit related to municipal operations and maintenance (O&M) activities, as well as collaboration between permittees, a regional coordination program was developed in July of 2007. ROAD MAP (Regional Operations and Maintenance Program) was created to serve as a forum for identifying, discussing, and developing strategies for implementing O&M-related permit requirements. Local jurisdictions were invited to participate in a series of meetings and to serve on committees dealing with various permit elements.

Meetings are held on a quarterly basis.
Contact: Brian Miller, City of Newcastle Laurie Larson, Washington Stormwater Center


Snow and Ice Operations Environmental Program

Brian Miller, City of Newcastle, presents an overview of the Snow and Ice Operations Environmental Program presentation created by Gregor Mhyr, WSDOT, at the Jan. 25, 2024 ROAD Map meeting.

ROAD Map Jan. 21, 2021 Meeting: Porous Pavement Research, Operation & Maintenance 

Ani Jayakaran, WSU
Paul Marrinan, PE City of Puyallup 
Steve KarlinTriverus 

Spill Response Equipment, Tools, and Training presented at the ROAD Map Oct. 21, 2020 meeting by:

Equipment and Tools: Scott McQuary, City of Redmond

Staff Training: Tanya MacFarlane, City of Bellevue

Recordkeeping: Ryean-Marie Tuomisto, City of Kirkland

Decant Facility Design & Planning video

Stormwater infrastructure maintenance has increased regionally due to requirements in the NPDES municipal stormwater permits. This presentation will provide case studies about local governments that opted to build new, or upgrade existing, decant facilities. Participants will learn what to consider and suggestions on who should be involved in the process, and what has seemed to work well and what didn’t work well.