Please join Dr. Joan Wu and Dr. Ani Jayakaran from WSU Extension and the Washington Stormwater Center to discuss methods for optimizing GSI Placement in South Puget Sound (the lower Puyallup Watershed)
Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI, e.g., bioretention systems, rain gardens, and permeable pavements) within urbanizing landscapes provides ecosystem services far beyond stormwater management alone. This project will develop a testable method for locating and selecting GSI based on hydrological controls. What we’re doing ■Characterize attitudes in the Puyallup region towards GSI via previous survey analysis. ■Develop a scalable, landscape-level method for locating and selecting GSI.
If you have any additional questions or have trouble joining contact Heidi Siegelbaum
Join us on February 5th for an all-day science workshop featuring short talks by researchers including Dr. John Stark and Dr. Jennifer McIntyre, synthesis presentations, and showcases of emerging research projects. This is a free event from the Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead Team with funding support from The US EPA. Please RSVP to Heidi Siegelbaum and stay tuned for details on the next workshop in this series where you’ll learn about what’s being done now, what could be done, and how to help inform future priorities to avoid and reduce toxins in the Puget Sound.
Toxics Workshop Flyer
Register Here
Presenter: David Jackson, Community Conservation Program Manager, Snohomish Conservation District
The community conservation team is a team within the Snohomish conservation district (SCD) focusing on green stormwater infrastructure, urban agriculture, and other urban and suburban conservation efforts. We employ a team of veterans from the veterans’ conservation corps (VCC) to install our GSI (Green Stormwater Infrastructure) projects. We have enjoyed local and regional success in GSI installations and creating community partnerships.
The regional stormwater action team was a grant from the DOE (Dept. of Ecology) and the Washington Conservation Commission. The grant’s goal was to take lessons in stormwater from SCD and other districts and introduce them regionally to increase capacity in other districts. Increasing capacity, in this case, was done through consultation, training, and demonstration project installations. Project installations were carried out in partner district areas, using the VCC and paid for by the grant, and included residential and commercial GSI installations.
With the implementation portion of the project completed, we are hopeful that the increased connections and capacity in partner CDs (Conservation District) will continue, and that we can all continue to build regional resilience in stormwater.
The presentation will cover the basics of the grant that allowed us to do with work, the districts we partnered with, the projects that were completed, the lessons learned, and the next steps we are hoping to take. We hope that this will help inform others of these resources and facilitate regional planning.
If you’re interested in attending this event please contact Laurie Larson-Pugh for meeting ID and password.