Stormwater Outreach for Regional Municipalities (STORM) is a coalition of 81 Western Washington jurisdictions that work together to create effective, regionally consistent, and cost-efficient education and outreach programs and messaging. STORM services help jurisdictions meet their Municipal Stormwater Permit requirements and provide professional development opportunities to staff.
STORM’s Mission
To work together with regional partners to address polluted runoff by advancing broad-scale behavior change.
STORM’s Vision
People living and working in our communities will take actions that protect water quality within the Puget Sound basin.
Key Services Provided by STORM:
- Facilitation of collaboration and resource sharing through quarterly meetings, the annual symposium, workgroups, and an online resource reservoir
- Puget Sound Starts Here, a Puget Sound-wide stormwater pollution prevention awareness campaign, provides recognizable branding and consistent messaging to support jurisdictions’ NPDES Permit awareness requirements.
- Partnerships with regional networks to help effectively and thoroughly distribute pollution prevention messages and actions.
- Scalable Behavior Change Programs and Tools that support a variety of BMPs, such as car leaks, pet waste, rain gardens and natural yard care.