A new 2-page informational flier aims to raise awareness and shed light on the current research findings around the common rubber preservative, 6PPD-quinone. Developed by Washington Stormwater Center researchers in collaboration with Washington State University, The University of Washington, and The Center for Urban Waters, this resource graphically illustrates what the compound is, what habitats are most at risk, and what we can do to curtail its impacts on our ecosystems.
The resource was created as a result of a request from tribal partners for a simple summary describing 6PPD/6PPDQ and their relation to roadway runoff and toxic risks. Research on this compound has been gaining media coverage and legislative attention over the past few years with Dr. Jen McIntyre, a co-senior author on the paper that discovered the toxicity of this compound, along with others being invited to speak at a hearing held by the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations back in July of 2021. The sad reality is though that there are still a great many people who are unaware of this threat. “Most people aren’t paying attention,” says Dr. Ed Kolodziej, a co-senior author on the same paper, “and probably most people would be surprised and concerned that any toxic chemicals are being widely used in tires.”
It can be daunting as an individual to know how to affect change on such a sprawling issue, but there are options. “People can make their voices heard by requesting the production and sale of tires made with non-toxic chemicals from the tire industry, regulators, agencies, and political representatives,” says Dr. Kolodziej, “Until then, work to keep tires inflated while better capturing stormwater runoff at home through permeable driveways and other green stormwater infrastructure”.
Want more guidance on what you can do to reduce tire wear? Check out our program spotlight on Don’t Wait to Inflate!