Boat yard permit – Ecology’s NPDES Boatyard General Permit requires coverage of all boatyards in Washington State which engage in the construction, repair and maintenance of small vessels, 85% of which are 65 feet or less in length, or revenues from which constitute more than 85% of gross receipts. Ecology may require coverage under an individual NPDES permit for large boatyards and shipyards in Washington State not covered by the Boatyard General Permit or Industrial Stormwater General Permit (ISGP).
Clean Boating Foundation – This non-profit organization provides compliance assistance to Boatyard Permit holders throughout Washington State and encourages boaters to use clean boating practices. They offer assistance with:
- Clean Boatyard Program
- Non copper paint and non zinc anodes
- On-site assistance
- Clean boatyard training and education
Fact Sheet – This fact sheet is a companion document to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Boat Building and Repair Facilities. It explains the nature of the proposed discharge, history of the permit, Ecology’s decisions on limiting the pollutants in the wastewater, and the regulatory and technical basis for those decisions.
Economic Impact Analysis AKART Analysis: Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Wastewater Discharge General Permit for Boatyards – This report explores the cost of compliance with the Boatyard General Permit.
– Boatyard general permit response to monitoring values which exceed benchmarks.Boatyard BMPs Presentation
Boatyard Site Inspection Checklist – The Department of Ecology uses this form for inspecting boatyards for compliance with the permit. They also suggest that boatyards use it for their weekly visual site inspections. It is simply a guidance document and not a mandatory form.
Boatyard Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: Template and Boatyard SWPPP Worksheets
Clean Boatyard Certification Checklist – See what it takes for a boatyard to become certified Clean or Leadership Clean.