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Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead Request for Proposals Funded by EPA Geographic Funds

The Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead Team (SIL) is pleased to announce the release of three separate RFPs related to stormwater. The Washington Stormwater Center, which manages the Stormwater Advisory Team for the SIL, worked with RFP teams to strengthen work in three areas:

Continued CEC research, building on the formative prioritization work of James and Sofield, et. al. Eligible 6PPD-q research and monitoring is limited to filling data gaps related to the following:

· Collecting stream samples to evaluate 6PPD/6PPD-q levels in freshwater environments

· 6PPD-q concentrations in streams or benthic environments from things like tire reefs, tire-based bank stabilization projects, or background sources that are not part of the stormwater runoff stream

· Direct discharges of 6PPD-q to waterways through the air

Chemical Action Plan Implementation, focused on the Department of Ecology’s CAP Program where the focus is on PCBs, PFAS, and PBDEs. This work is more focused on implementing pollution prevention, engagement, and upstream planning.

Social Marketing to Increase the use of Low Impact Development by developers and jurisdictions. Social marketing is based on cognitive and social psychology and has been used for over 50 years to improve human health outcomes. Recently the SIL hosted Dr. Ann-Marie Kennedy who discussed the use of strategic macro-marketing to nudge structural changes which can promote pro-social outcomes for the environment, health, and safety. You can listen to Dr. Kennedy’s presentation.

To access the CEC or Chemical Action Plan (CAP) RFP, select the teal buttons at the top of the page.

To access the Social Marketing RFP, a WEBs account is required.

Questions? Please contact [email protected]

*The RFP work will be funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under the assistance of PC-01J95801-0 to the Washington State Department of Ecology. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.