CSGP: Erosion & Sediment Control BMPs
There are a variety of Best Management Practices (BMPs) available to control erosion and prevent sedimentation on a construction project.
BMPs are not just things that you buy from a catalog or from a warehouse. Often the most effective BMPs are behavioral, managerial, or operations-based.
The BMPs utilized need to be identified and maintained as outlined in the SWPPP, and all maintenance logs and records should be kept with the SWPPP on-site or readily available.
*The contents of this page are to provide a general overview only. Each jurisdiction may have specific requirements for BMP installation. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure all BMPs utilized on their project meet the requirements of their state and local jurisdictions.
Our goal is to promote environmentally friendly practices that protect our natural resources and maintain the integrity of the communities we build in. Whether you are a construction professional, contractor, or developer, this guidebook is here to support you in implementing effective BMPs that adhere to local regulations and best practices.
Operational BMPs are about how you manage the site. The timing of things, project phasing, retaining vegetation, monitoring for and responding to upcoming weather events, constant communication, the utilization of equipment, and vendor support all fit within the category of operational BMPs. These BMPs often are the least expensive to implement but take the most energy and effort to maintain at a high level.
These videos provide more insight into BMPs utilized in this category.
Select Operational BMP Examples
Perimeter Controls
Perimeter controls separate your project from the outside environment. They prevent soil from leaving the site and also minimize erosion from off-site rain or run-on. These BMPs can take many forms such as silt fences, catch-basin inserts, construction entrances, the protection of LID BMPs, as well as a variety of wattles and berms.
These videos provide more insight into BMPs utilized in this category.
Select Perimeter Control BMP Examples
Covering Controls
Covering Control BMPs are meant to cover exposed soil or stockpiles and prevent the transport of these materials in stormwater. These BMPs can be hand dispersed on a site, such as the dispersion of straw or mulch, and they can be blown or sprayed on a site, such as the use of hydromulching, sprayed tackifier, or blown-in compost. These BMPs can also come in more of a rolled form, such as plastic sheeting or various natural fiber mats. These BMPs can be temporary- such as covering a stockpile with plastic sheeting, or lead to permanent stabilization- such as the addition of seed to your hydromulch.
These videos provide more insight into BMPs utilized in this category.
Select Convering Control BMP Examples
Conveyance Controls
Moving water under, through, or around your project may be necessary. These BMPs help you move clean water through the site without picking up additional pollutants.
In certain instances, you may have very challenging standards to achieve and will need to consider treatment as part of your BMP management system.
Final Stabilization
Depending on your final surface for the project you will need to satisfy the stabilization criteria to be able to file your NOT and terminate your permit coverage. If you are incorporating a hard surface like asphalt or concrete into your final site conditions, it may be relatively easy to achieve these criteria; however, utilizing vegetation to complete the stabilization of the project may require much more anticipation and planning in order to achieve the performance outcome of stabilization for the site.
This video provides more insight into BMPs utilized in this category.