Looking for what stormwater projects are being put on the ground under EPA’s National Estuary Program? Look no further! The Washington Stormwater Center, as part of its role in the Stormwater Strategic Initiative Lead Team, works with both Habitat and Shellfish teams towards Puget Sound Recovery. This work is led by the Puget Sound Partnership and funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Together, these three teams communicate about what the Puget Sound community of practice is doing to make recovery happen through project implementation. We just released a searchable database where you can look for stormwater (and habitat and shellfish) projects by type and year.
The projects range from research, monitoring, and infrastructure projects to innovative approaches, outreach, and education and explore a range of effective approaches to stormwater. You can also download project factsheets and additional resources for most projects.
Questions? Please contact Heidi Siegelbaum