CSGP: Create a Plan
Your SWPPP describes what you are doing, how you will do it, and what BMPs you are going to implement to achieve your project outcome while maintaining permit compliance.
Each permitted project must submit a SWPPP (Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan). This plan outlines what the project compliance expectations are and what tools and techniques the site will implement to achieve those outcomes. In addition to the Ecology CSGP requirements, it is important to understand any local municipal requirements to make sure that your plan complies with both.
The SWPPP will outline what construction activities will happen on a site, where those activities will occur, and the BMPs that will be implemented to prevent erosion and stormwater pollution issues. The SWPPP is a living document and is designed to change as your site and project evolve. Ecology has developed a SWPPP template that can be used to develop the SWPPP for your site.
SWPPP Components
- Title Page
- Site Maps
- Site Description
- Construction Phases
- 13 elements of control
- Monitoring and Sampling Plan
- Pollution Prevention Team
Title Page
The title page of the SWPPP should identify all necessary information for the project such as location, site name, owner/operator, CESCL, permit number, and receiving water(s).
Site Maps
You should include a vicinity map showing the project location, as well as a site map for each major phase of construction. Each site map should show topography, stormwater flow, placement of BMPs, discharge locations, and major areas of soil disturbance as part of the 11 components that need to be on each site map.
BMPs-13 elements of Control
The 13 Elements of the SWPPP include BMPs and control measures identified to manage different aspects of the project to maintain compliance with the permit. Some of the elements have very prescriptive components so it is important to review the SWPPP section of the permit as well as the SWPPP template to make sure each element is being addressed appropriately. For more information on the 13 elements and the prescribed BMPs see our BMP page.
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) is a certification requirement for the people responsible for monitoring and reporting on the site. All CSGP projects must have a CESCL or multiple CESCLs available through the life of the permit. To become CESCL certified you can take the two-day course from one of these approved courses. The certification is good for three years and you must have an active CESCL card to perform activity onsite and be no later than six months past the expiration date on the card to qualify for the eight-hour refresher course.