Construction Pollution Webinars
Hosted by stormwater professionals employed with municipalities around the State of Washington, these webinars will focus on tips for designing detailed erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans and stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPPs). Hear the stories, good and bad, from the perspective of those that review and approve development permits. Learn how knowledge should be transferred from the designer to the contractor
Free Webinars for Contractors
Contractors are tasked with addressing many stormwater requirements. Learn strategies and compliance tips to comply with Washington state and local stormwater requirements. These two webinars will help you to keep your construction sites in compliance. Learn about ways to protect the environment, see examples of what not to do, and learn planning strategies to save time and money. Help reduce harm to our waterways, habitat, and wildlife and comply with the requirements of the Clean Water Act on your site.
Prevention Beats Pollution
Do you know how to spot a source of pollution on your construction site? This webinar helps both seasoned and new contractors identify common construction pollutants. Learn how to prepare for a spill you may not expect. Learn tips to effectively utilize your Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL). You’ll learn how to implement stormwater BMPs on sites of all sizes and get pollution prevention and response tips from insiders.
Presenters: Royce Young, Maddie Burke, & Mike Zenthoefer
Clean Water is Good Business
A construction site free of water pollution is a happy construction site. This webinar helps private contractors improve their pollution control plans and response. You’ll hear and see examples of poor pollution management and gain the tools to set yourself up for success on the job site.
Presenters: Joshua McAllister & Russell Betteridge
Free Webinars for Designers
Stormwater runoff from construction sites can cause significant harm to our waterways, habitat, and wildlife. That’s why construction professionals are required to submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that describes how you will prevent contamination, control erosion, and comply with the requirements of the Clean Water Act.
The Devil’s in the Details: Setting up for Success
No detail is too small when you’re crafting a plan to keep harmful pollution out of our waterways. This webinar helps private designers understand and improve the SWPPP development process. Attendees will also review common construction pollution releases and get the tools to prepare for and prevent them.
Presenters: Royce Young & Russell Betteridge
How to Design and Keep Your Construction Project in Compliance
This webinar helps designers improve their SWPPPs and erosion control plans to ensure your project controls pollution and remains in compliance with state requirements. You’ll get a taste of what reviewers want to see on your project’s SWPPP and erosion control plan to earn approval. Detailing temporary water quality, flow control, and the sizing and selection of best management practices (BMPs) will be the bode of confidence for your reviewers. This webinar will go over the broad techniques in finding and applying the details your project will need, coupled with a few examples.
Presenters: Jordan Segal & Maddie Burke